Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

snanondorf · 7mo

some fics or writers you'd rec to someone new to the fandom?

absolutely yes, though admittedly a good amount of my rec’s are smut… but I’ll recommend a few authors and maybe add to this later!

VampireBadger (every au is absolutely gold)
Mistresseast (everything. just. everything.)
Futuresoon (incredible. if you have a strong stomach read delight. if not…. Yeah)
limboed (fantastic. amazing. yes.)
sailboating (absolutely hysterical; their Akira is my problematic fave)
shouldbeworking (YES. YES!!!!! YES!!!!!)
troublewriting (trouble has some of the most fascinating aus out there.)

read Black Star by HassouToby. do it. right now.
also read Confidant Roulette by Vivvav.
and a tale of two tricksters by Zoe2k8.
marigolds by Colbub.
Even the mountains crumble by rosegardenlake.

god I have loads more. every author in the fandom is so good. I recommend literally every author and fic in my ao3 bookmarks I’m so serious. don’t be daunted by the number. become a hermit. read fanfic.

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