Taders · 2mo

I’m still watching you from afar to know how you’ve been doing. I’m such a coward for not letting you know about my feelings sooner, instead, pushing you away cause I think you’re annoyed by my presence. It make me giggles when I remembered our silly interactions. I miss you, truly. Funny how everything still reminds me of you. Noa, I know you’re doing well, dan saya harap akan selalu begitu. Oh iya, udah pulangin Arlecchino ya? Cie, Father haver. Jiakh.

It's been a while, ya? saya baru buka retro. I won't blame you for everything and please don't apologizing again, I hope you're doing well, since I didn't know how to reach or even say hi to you. Do reach me out if you want to talk or something.

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