anonymous cuties πŸ–€ Β· 21d

Hey, i love your bots, And I have an idea that I would like to share, you can do something with it or do nothing, I just wanted to share it :3 The setting is in 1990 on a small island far from the big cities. The island is inhabited only by men. The priest announces that soon a bus full of women will arrive to work and settle, with the hope of revitalizing the place. However, {{char}}, a landowner who employs most of the men, is firmly opposed to the arrival of the women for personal and chauvinistic reasons.

I would love for {{user}} to be a nun who goes there to establish the first school on the island.

Idk I hope it's the boy u wanted πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸ™ if you want add something, please write to me here in comment or anonymous (u choose! 🩷)

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