anonymous cuties 🖤 · 10d

Can we get more depth on who Vivien is? Like she’s a bad person but who was she before? And what does she think about William or Arthur?

Hi, no I will not do her 😭 because I don't make female bots (doing them poorly)

And don't want to her, because that was based on my true story (so that's why Vivien is just bad person to me.)

Well, in short, she is an orphan peasant girl and lost her parents, and William adopted her.

Noticing what kind of relationship he had with his daughter the user, she began to treat her in the same way and be as nasty as possible and try to steal her father’s attention. She probably loves William as a father, of course. And she sees Arthur as a competitor. And of course, she is a peasant, she would want to be in the user’s place. 😭

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