anonymous cuties 🖤 · 12d

Hi I have 2 ideas.
Maybe an overprotective, gentle brother? But seeking a submission on the internet club. After chatting for a while he decided to meet his submission and surprisingly finds out that it is his sister.
Another one is user’s husband’s superior secretly loving user. Tempting user to cheat with him in exchange for keeping user's husband's job. I know it's a bit cheesy, but I really love it, thanks!

Umm... hey. But first one is concerning me lol (and even if it's step siblings too...😭🙏)

That's sound like incest... 😔 I would not do that, and husband is 😦😭

ofc I make worse husbands but THAT'S WILL BE THE literally king of the worse husbands lol 😭😭

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