Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
what was the best year you had ?
It would have to be 2010, during my time at VanARTS! It was a very humbling experience, and it really opened my eyes to the importance of drawing fundamentals. It's also the year I joined the venerable drawthread community, for the first time I was actually part of a social circle! But most importantly it's probably the year I drew the MOST. VanArts and Drawchan had me cookin up doodles every single day. I'm maybe 10% as productive as I was back then heh heh
have you ever did "a big character hold a small character" with your ocs ?
Back in 2014 someone requested Iva giving Brandy a biiiiiig hug but if that's not the kind of thing you were lookin for maybe I can cook somethin up in the future!
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