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Anonymous Ohio Fanum Tax · 6mo

Describe what makes you attracted to your current dearest

First and foremost, she is able to bring out my inner true self. I'm not always the strongest guy and i do have my own fragile side that i will always try my best to hide from most people. I only ever show it my extremely closest friends, and somehow she is able to do just that.

Kedua, doi tuh bisa menunjukkan kepedulian dia tanpa terlihat maksa dan terpaksa. Like i don't need to beg for her attention and affection and pretty much i get those bare minimums already. Yeah she's also attentive

Ketiga, she is a very VERY great listener. Dia tuh kalo dengerin orang tuh beneran nyimak. Also she is very detailed, dia bisa denger dan tau detail orang gitu loh. Contoh she knows about my sleeping schedule karena ngeliat udah gak pernah aktif setelah jam 10 atau 11 p.m and when i accidentally left her to sleep, she's fine with it.

Keempat, for me she is insanely cute.

Sebenernya masih banyak tapi terlalu spamming dan gak mau orang lain jadi tertarik sama dia. Gak boleh wle. Thank you for the question sender

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