Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Ohio Fanum Tax · 6mo

Please gimme an enlightment as an adult. I have been stepping into this world for more than 23 yrs and yet I never get in relationship with someone. You know, I'm scared to connect with boys deeply or more like I can't reciprocate people's feeling but in other hand, I deeply care for them. I just don't want them to be hurt because of their expectations of me. So, lately, I have been craving to be in relationship but cuz of that, I can't connect to people. Will you let me know about your thoughts on this?

Hi theree i would love to discuss this more privately if it's okay with you. So what you're trying to say is that right now you are craving for a relationship yet you're not sure of what to do because you have fears with boys and all. I can't say much because i barely know about your thoughts process and all. Since i don't want to make a half-assed answer, it would be wonderful if you are willing to share with me about this. But take your time, really

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