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Go ahead, amuse me my sweet little morsel~


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Morsel · 10d

what is your absolute favorite prey you like to eat~?

Lately I've had an influx of Gryphons thanks to one named Catcher and another on here who's likely to respond to this. Of course, I still enjoy wolves, especially of the arcane wolfess variety, and just about anyone who approaches me is free game. However, my favorite is the one who asked this question.

Morsel · 12d

As a dragon, what is your favorite aspect of being one?

Morsel · 21d

If you were to be a boss fight in a video game how difficult would you be and what kinda special mechanics would the fight include?

TarhunBalthazar · 1mo

Would this dragon be able to serve you sir? I'll be a good servant!

Morsel · 2mo

What do you make your prey do when you don't eat them?

Depends on the mood, I can hypnotize them into serving me if they aren't already. Of course, there are other pleasures to be sated beside hunger so that is not off the table either. Perhaps I am feeling sadistic and want to see the life slowly leave them, so slowly applying pressure underpaw is also an answer. It really depends on whether I feel lewd or bloodthirsty at the moment.

Morsel · 2mo

Do you have other kinks other than vore?

that list is hopelessly long to go over, but bondage, hypnosis, sadomasochism, sensosry deprivation... there's many things honestly, but it's best you check my flist

Morsel · 2mo

This is a kobold speaking >:3
Yip yap yip yap yip

the bonk in this is clearly the swift paw of hushing being applied upon the head of the kobold, the dragon that's tired and trying to sleep having enough of them as they lift their paw up to show a kobold shaped indentation in the ground and a cartoonish flattened pancake of a bold on said paw that will ultimately be fine.

Morsel · 2mo

When you see a prey, what makes you want to have them to be your serviant?

Why, if you are willing to serve me I won't say now. Generally however, it's more so of a dominant thing in the general term however. Some folks may want to willingly serve straightforward and I am generally okay with that so long as they don't really do anything that can kill the mood, others want to act 'unwilling' or actually and I mean truly undergo some form of hypnotic conditioning. In the end, all forms require consent and without it there would really be no mutual joy in the act. TLDR; it more so extends from the fact that one of my primary kinks is BDSM and I have a thing for master/slave or owner/pet things

Morsel · 2mo

What do you think about wolves as prey?

Wolves are absolutely delicious. Especially the way they squirm and resist as you send them down stating things about their pack as if they just didn't announce seconds or thirds~

Morsel · 3mo

Is the godly dragon looking for a servant👀

Morsel · 3mo

Can I serve you as my draconic master?

Morsel · 3mo

What is it which makes vore so appealing to you?

Morsel · 3mo

What do you love the most about dragons?

Morsel · 3mo

What do you like the most about yourself~?

There are many ways I can answer this question honestly, and in the end all of them would be correct given the subject nature of the question. Perhaps it's beautiful color scheme, the stride between each step or even the overall vibes I give off in any given scenario. Such a broad question would result in many answers, but perhaps the best answer is the fact that despite my character being clearly villainous, people still line up to be next on the menu. That right there shows that just about everything is right, absolutely perfect down to the last detail.

Morsel · 3mo

I really wanna try talking to you more but I’m very very shy ;3;

Getting to know new folks is often a daunting endeavor for those who have some form of social anxiety, but I can guarantee you that until you that once you make the first step of reaching out it becomes easier afterwards. It's always the introduction that tends to be the hardest, but don't be afraid I won't bite, unless you ask me to that is

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