
Certified Husbando Collector. Virgo Bitch. 22. I serve up keks and dish out lols

In the Bungle the Mighty Bungle
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Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Why are you gae?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

When poop?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

fat byakuya > byakuya

Byakuya is the literal GOAT of the series. That fat faker is a pale imitation of the real perfection.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Who's your favorite husbando

I can only narrow it down to my main 3: America (Alfred Jones) from Hetalia, Osomatsu Matsuno, and Byakuya Togami.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

obviously griffith is gay for guts but is griffith a power bottom or will he get folded by guts' girthy curved dragonslayer? uWu

Griffith is getting pounded either way. Idk a lot about berserk but I wouldn't be surprised if they fall into the light hair x dark hair trope. https://bungle.online/files/6c643ba7-c62d-4b8a-a07e-774ec65e3d5e

Anonymous Coward · 2y

gemini > virgo

mercuries · 2y

will you be my girlfriend please

That depends. Have you ever heard of Byakuya Togami and how good would you be at cosplaying him?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

How the fuck is Strawberry not a berry but Banana is a berry?

One of the coolest toys I had was a Strawberry Shortcake treehouse that doubled as juicer. I never watched a minute of the show as a kid but it was a girl toy and I told my mom I wanted a dollhouse. Now I actually wanted the barbie one but those were the most expensive so she got me this one instead which I kinda hated her for at the time, I never could get it to juice shit either, but honestly looking back it was a pretty cool toy and I was pretty spoiled back then. I should thank my parents for shit like that.

Appreciate what you have.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

why does your instance keep going down

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