Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Mangle · 6mo

For one who has experienced the act of death an exhaustive number of times, what would you consider the most memorable? Surely not every end is a bitter one.

The most memorable of my deaths? A spiteful creature such as myself has more than enough reason to find each and every death to be memorable... better to remember the faces involved, of course. My most memorable, though, was at a masquerade... at almost all moments, we were all uncomfortably close to one another—the manor was packed, after all, and we were dancing or mingling together. I'd slipped away for a spell, "Off to get wine," I said... others followed, eager for their fair share of red.

The problem is, I do so hate disappointing people, but they seemed to want to red to flow from /me/ instead of the bottles! Thus did the little white rabbit masque fall, but not before she made a mess of all around her.

"The wine wasn't even that good, but the company was to die for..."

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