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Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 10 answers · 22d

What secrets do you think your pet would spill about you, if they could talk?

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 11 answers · 22d

If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 10 answers · 22d

What is a lie or exaggeration you said to impress a crush?

Yasmine · 16 answers · 24d

What are you most afraid of in life?

I'm afraid I can't change anything that has happened, so I have to try to accept whatever it is and learn to change it.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Influencer kah? sampe kudu premium WOKWOKWOK

Ngomen aja hidup lu, ga kuat bayar premium ya? Mau gue bayarin idup lu juga ga?

Yaya. · 5mo

Aku mau tau first impression Mas Randika ke Gistara! 😼

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Bang, websitenya bikin pake framework apa?

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Aku cemburu liat km deket sm cewe tapi aku sadar diri aku siapanya kamu

Dionne · 5mo

Kak Wud, obat batuk selain obat yang namanya sama kayak kamu tuh apa lagi?

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