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Beloved KARMA · 3mo

What's one thing you'd like Karmas to take away from listening to your debut release?

BJE staff: We at BJE truly believe that the most important music is in each and every one of our hearts. We hope that KARMAs around the world experience RIZZ and feel inspired to think about what moves them, what shapes their worlds, and how we use language and song to connect with one another across all kinds of borders.

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Can you give us a TMI from when you were getting ready for the debut?

BJE staff: There’s too many to count but if we were to pick just one…its probably that ever since we revealed the cassette tape element of the concepts to the members, they’ve all gone out and bought vintage Walkmans and we see them listening to them before practice all the time 🤣🤣

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Hi RIZZ! I'm sure you're super busy getting ready for debut, so thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions! What's something you're doing to take care of yourselves lately?

BJE staff: Every morning we start off our day at the company with 30 minutes of guided meditation. It’s important to stay centered leading up to any kind of big life change, so we make sure to check in with the members regularly and encourage them to talk about their feelings among themselves. We also provide them with unlimited access to iced americanos and Monster energy, which keeps Kayjay on an even keel at least 😅

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Do any RIZZ members have a favorite song from the album?

⚡️: Snap! Crackle! Pop! all the way yo
🐆: Miss Conduct
🐈: DR1+7zle. I get a lot of comfort from the lyrics 🥰
🍎: Obviously Snap! Crackle! Pop!
🐶: Parasocializzm!!
🦋: I had a lot of fun picking out sounds for Water Cycle
🎲: Every song! But especially the one I wrote, Miss Conduct.
🦔: DR1+7zle. I hope you pay attention to my part in it 💚

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

I've seen some other groups do interviews with puppies or other cute animals. What animal would RIZZ most like to do an interview with?

BJE staff: What a fun question!! We know Dylan might say anything but ducks 😹 But we’d love to do a puppy interview someday if Buzzfeed would have us! Or maybe even kittens or rabbits! But if we’re honest, puppies probably fit RIZZ’s energy the best 😂

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Hi RIZZ! Thank you for bringing joy to karmas around the world! What are you most looking forward to about this debut?

BJE staff: we’ve watched the boys pour hours of blood sweat and tears into training and preparing for this album. No matter what happens it’s a reward in and of itself to get to see these kids on stage taking the next steps towards their dreams. Of course, we also hope that KARMAs love the music and stages we’ve been preparing for them, but no matter what, we’re proud of our kids for making it here today 🥲

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Hi RIZZ! Thank you for spreading joy and light to KARMAs all around the world. ☀️ Maybe you can help me and my roommate? We both have dogs who get along great with each other and the humans who live here. But my dog hates my roommate's new girlfriend. She wants us to crate my dog (and not my roommates's dog) when she comes over. I want to be hospitable but don't think this is a fair ask. Any recs on how my roommate and I should talk this out?

🦔 Er, wow. That’s tricky, isn’t it? Maybe you could try taking your dog to the park when the girlfriend is over. Or maybe you could ask them to spend more time at the girlfriend’s flat instead of yours. I think animals often have good senses about people tho so…maybe the girlfriend won’t be around that much longer 🤷‍♂️

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

I promised to host my best friend's birthday party next weekend. Yesterday, my boss asked me to attend a work meeting scheduled for that same night. I'm up for a promotion at work, and I'm worried telling my boss no will decrease my chances for the promotion. Still, I don't want to flake on my friend and our crew. What should I do?

🐈 Wowowow! First, congrats on being up for a promotion! That’s amazing 🎉🎉 but whew, it’s times like these I wish we could have body doubles. 👯 since we don’t tho (not yet at least 🤔), what if you could do both?? like can you join the meeting on a video call and then go back to the party? or maybe you could invite your boss to the party!! that way they’ll want to change the meeting time and maybe even make some new friends ☺️☺️ good luck, KARMA! I’m sure you’ll figure out something that works 🤯

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

I accidently made a group chat without one of my friends in it and have been using it for a few months. I'm afraid to tell my friend that we left them out, but I also don't want to keep excluding them. What should I do?

🐆 Dang. That’s awkward af. We have a RIZZ gc, and if it was like Haneul or somebody who doesn’t talk a lot, maybe I could get it. But if your friend’s like Wooyeon who…literally can’t shut up, and you didn’t notice he wasn’t there…that’s on you. So tbh, I’d just be honest with them and say you forgot and wanna add them into the chat now. Unless you were like. Talking behind their back in there. If that’s what happened then uh, maybe learn to be a better friend or something.

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Juno I saw you recommended a song by Jack's Mannequin 🥰 there is a song on the same album called The Mixed Tape I would like to recommend if you haven't listened to it.

🐶 oh whoa I LOVE this! I’m gonna go listen to the whole album after we finish practice. All the members love to find new music, so I think it’s great we can communicate with KARMAs like this. Maybe we could do a livestream someday where we hang out and listen to a mixtape KARMAs make for us…

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Beloved RIZZ please stay warm in the cold weather

🦋 we’ll do our best! when it gets cold in the dorm, we sometimes take all the blankets from our rooms…really Yoonseul-hyung and E-den-hyung’s room because they have so many…and use them all together when we hang out in the living room. it’s just a little awkward sometimes if someone doesn’t want to share… oh and happy lunar new year to all KARMAs who are celebrating!

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

do we have one or two butts?

🎲 Three because I think you should count the crack too! I’m curious what KARMAs think, though 😏

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Hi beloved RIZZ! I've been thinking about changing my hair color!! I've only ever had brown or black hair though. I'm really nervous about making a big change, but I also think it will be fun to try something different! Do you have any advice on committing to a color and staying confident?

🍎 ive changed my hair color so many times I can’t remember what it was like to be nervous about it. you change it once, you can always change it again. im blonde right now but for debut it will be 👀👀 make sure you pick a good stylist tho . bleaching damage is serious business.

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Hi RIZZ! Are you eating well? I wanted to know: would you prefer to fight duck sized horses, or horse sized ducks? Noona is cheering you on!

🦔 I just had two hot dogs! Thanks for asking! I think I’d prefer not to fight at all, but if I had to…I’d pick duck-sized horses. I was chased by a duck once in Phoenix Park and I wouldn’t want to repeat that experience with a duck that could stomp me to bits 😰

Beloved KARMA · 3mo

Twister choreo spoilers??!!!!! Is this a hint for the debut???!!

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