kitten · 1mo

Omg i love you sm, idk if its too early to express my gratitude but I'm so grateful for your existence like literally with the midterms kicking up my ass your au rn is the only driving force that keeps me going, like a small little happiness that I'm excited for every week, maybe i need to touch some grass but atp i don't even care😞 btw saying this i in no way want to pressure you, like yeah i am really excited every week, and i think you already know it but if you sometimes feel tired or busy or just lazy to write it's completely okay!! take your time, you can update whenever you want🩷

thank you so much for the love :(( i hope this au drives your mind off reality for a bit, and i'm rooting for you!!! you'll do just fine <3 i'd be lying if i said that it's an entirely fun activity to write but it pays off so much :((( i've been dealing with some stuff lately so i hope you understand why we're leaning towards the end of the au </3
take good care of yourself, anon!!!! feel free to come by and tell me about midterms when you're done with them <3 i'm sure it'll be fine!!!!

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