kitten · 1mo

hello!! just read your reverse cliché au and ngl i loved the bmj but i'm literally crying my eyes out for tbn LMAO its just i love them so much and seeing how everything turned out made me soooo sad like so so sad, idk if you're into tbn or sbn/kvi only but i'll die of happinnes if you let them be happy in any other au you write in the future, well only if you want ofc!! no pressure or anything T_T physically hurt me seeing tvun end up like that and being like that bc he's such an amazing person irl

hello!!!! it was my intention to leave a bit angsty, and also my intention to cause this commotion precisely because tyun is a literal angel irl!!!!!!! i'm very much into sookai and taebin as much as taebinkai, i just figured i could do something different for a change <3 i believe i've made sookai a couple in one or two aus of mine (except this one), plus taebinkai in one of my ao3 fics!!!!! i love taebin though i'll have to make them a thing in my next au :D
thank you SO MUCH for reading and for the love, and i'm sorry i caused you pain!!!!! i'll make up for it in the future <3 have a nice week, anon <3

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