xìenryu ⸳ᐟ ★ · 1mo

Strychnos nux-vomica (Walnut Vomica or St. Ignatius Bean): Nux vomica is a medium-sized plant native to India and Southwest Asia. Its small round fruits (resembling oranges) are highly dangerous as they contain the poisonous alkaloids strychnine and brucine. In turn, the seeds have 1.5% of the first compound, and the dry floral ends have about 1%. With just 30 mg of these components, it is possible to violently and painfully kill an adult, causing seizures and simultaneous stimulation of the sensory ganglion of the spine. However, walnut also has medicinal properties to combat cardiac asthenia, paralysis, neurasthenia, symptoms of drug use and toxic-infectious gastrointestinal problems.

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