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Please write that makes everyone happy.


Faza · 5mo

WHAT GEMESNYA KAYAK APOTEK TUTUP, ALIAS GAK ADA OBAT. Ternyata sayangku kirimin I love you selayar di sini. I love you, pacarku kerenku duniaku sayangkuuuu. 🤍

Faza · 5mo

"Please write that makes everyone happy." as for me, the one that makes me happy of course Sachio

ALAAAH KEPIKIRAN AJA KAYAK GITU. Gimana ini, Chionya nyengir mulu dari tadi. But thank you for say so, Faza keyen! You are also the one who makes me happy, really. Everyday.

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

Ah.. I'm sorry for that.. your oomfs was right, belum lama ini, baru aja kok, but thank you for being this kind, dear peetty soul! You still can reach me out to be friend, I'd like it too. If you won't, that's also okay. I'm always welcoming to you. Thank you very much, I hope your life will always be happy also. 🙌

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

Hey, it’s been a while since we last talked. How have you been? Is everything okay? I hope so. You’re always doing great (and I miss you a lot). And sorry... I’ve been too nervous to chat you...

Hey, sorry for the late reply 😭 aku baru buka retro lagi. I'm doing good! Hbu? Hope you'll always be good everyday. Thank you for the appreciation, by the way! Ngga apa-apa.. kalau misal belum bisa chat, gapapa kok. Sesiap kamu aja! Thank you for trying to reach me out, yaaa.

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

Gak jadi, deh. Aku malu. Tunggu aku gak malu lagi, ya... (Jadi kuli bangunan)

WKWKWK, you really made my day. Take your time, pretty soul! Aku selalu tunggu DM dari kamu sampe kapanpun kamu siap. Tenang, Sachionya di sini terus. Paling kalo ngilang, ngilang buat nguli di genshin... Met lanjut jadi kuli bangunan, yah... Semangat?!

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

But I’m not Furina haha. Is it still okay to chat you? Anyway, I’ve been waiting for your reply and stalking your Twitter every second. Turns out, you answered on Retrospring... My bad. 💧

KENAPA LUCU BANGET... 😭 Super okay, lah! Jadi kepikiran, Furina kalo punya HP apa main X juga, ya... EH, LUPAIN AJA WKWKWK. On a serious note, boleh lho! Kamu boleh chat aku kapan aja dan dimana aja. I'm so sorry about that.. semalem tuh niat dishare habis melakukan sesuatu, turns out aku malah kelupaan, so sorry. 💧

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

Sorry for spamming your inbox, anyway, I just wanted to ask...

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

Is it okay if I reach out to you?

Super okay! I'm open as always. Kalau kamu followan sama LCA aku, boleh DM ke sana juga, tapi kalau mau DM di cyber juga boleh! Not gonna lie, I'm kinda curious about you.. though.. so, let's talk?

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

I miss us.

Should we talk, pretty soul? I think we need to talk. I want to see you again if we're ever together before.

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

I miss you.

Arca. · 5mo

Dedek, dedeeeeeeeek. Dedek Chio. 🫳

LUCU BANGET ABANG TIBA-TIBA MANGGIL BEGINI. Iyaaa, Chio di sini ya abang, ada apa tuh? 🙈

Pretty Soul. · 5mo

Erm, hello? Do you set, erm, your eyes on someone?

Eh.. kaget dikit. Hello! Tebak, kira-kira aku lagi naksir siapa? Iya betul, I set my eyes on Furina. Ahahah, sorry.. sorry.. on a serious note, for now, I don't set my eyes on someone.

Pretty Soul. · 6mo

Really, Sachio, you’re too good to be true and I don’t think I deserve you... I truly wish you all the happiness in the world.

Lemme tell you about something. Whoever and whenever you are, you deserve everything in this shitty world. Whether it is love from someone, or something valuable, because you are also very valuable. You are truly a kind person I've ever known, so, please, be happy as always!

Pretty Soul. · 6mo

Like the wind, our paths shall part, but the memories we’ve shared will forever float and dance within my mind. I wish you continual happiness, Sachio. May the wind always be at your back, carrying you through life with grace and luck. You have brought joy and warmth to my life, and I hope you find all that you seek and more, surrounded by the kindness you truly deserve. 🍃

Pretty Soul. · 6mo

just a curiosity i've been keeping on mind. what would you do if one of ur oomfs were to confess to you?

I'd love to say thank you and appreciate them, of course! If after that confession we want to know each other deeper, I'll not refuse it. Who knows, maybe we're meant to be in the future? So, why don't we try it first since I don't have someone that I keep rn?

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