

Beomgyu’s clothes
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Lovely’s · 14h

playing with different styles always feels good and refreshing so if doing some cute little sketches works for you rn then feel free to do exactly that !! no need to force yourself with something that might feel exhausting at the moment~ you can always go back to it once you feel like it anyways. and we love everything you put out either way :3 it's a gift having someone like you around here posting any of your creations at all !!

Aw thank you anon, I honestly really needed to hear this especially because I’ve been feeling a bit pressured recently with everything going on lately so hearing this really helped :’’) and stopp I’m gonna sob this is so sweet, thank you for being so supportive love 🫶🏼 A GIFT?? that’s to much praise for my little heart to handle jsksks but ahh thank you again!! I’ll try to take my time so I can give you all the best of me and my art! ^^ 🤍

Lovely’s · 15h

Omg!! Pink gyu???😳

Lovely’s · 1d

WDYM THEE KAIKO?? HELLO?? Anon your really trying to make me lose my mind.. but it was as in possible art creation!! I’ve been seeing fem!sb and I need her so baddd with cute beomi hehe. Stoppp your praise is making me cheese so hard omg, thank you for loving my art 🥹 and yess all soogyvist need to soogyv yuri atleast once in their life TT I had that exact thought in mind. Tall, hot gf wi big boobs who’s overprotective of short gf who has small boobs and is to pretty for this world.. JSKSKS I need it now.

Lovely’s · 1d

Do you happen to be a manhwa artist under cover? Your last bmjn art looked like it could be one :3

Lovely’s · 1d

idk if u take requests or suggestions at all (fine if not!!! ur art is stellar and you’re incredibly skilled either way!!!) but i would love to see you do nsfw tyυnnιng

I’d love to take a request! :)) and stopp this compliment made me blush but omg I’ve been wanting to do them for a while I just didn’t know if anyone would be here for it 🥹 but i’ll definitely get to work on them because of this now hehe <33

Lovely’s · 3d

i really love your arts!!❤️

Lovely’s · 3d

loved your newest art 😋 ty for the food!!!

Lovely’s · 3d

more nsfw bamjn... pls... thank u sm for ur service... 🧘🙏

Lovely’s · 3d

Are you looking for a partner?

Lovely’s · 4d

You seem very happy for someone who’s just gotten into an accident and got told bad news. 🤨

Do you want me to sit here and be miserable?? It already happened, the injuries are already there and so there’s not much I can do aside from be thankful I’m still alive and try to stay as positive as I can 🧍‍♀️. It’s left a scar on me mentally and physically and ykw might as well move past it and not fixate on it a ton, it’s a waste of time in my opinion. Plus, you have no clue what’s happening behind this small screen so be quiet please <3

Lovely’s · 5d

I just realised anon was off.. point still stands!! don't worry abt twt focus on ur health <3!


Hii I’m just seeing this and thank you 🛶!! I missed seeing you around hehe and answering from your other comment, I hope you stay safe too <33

Lovely’s · 13d

The jersey’s in your soogyu drawing are weird looking.

I genuinely don’t care about how the clothing itself looked but if you’re talking about the design I hope you know it’s a very real design, specifically South Korea’s home world cup jersey from 2022! and I don’t know if the jacket Beomgyu’s wearing is from that same time period but it’s also official so please don’t be so ignorant, thanks <3

🍈 · 19d

your fem beomjun art is so pretty and lovely, i love it 🩷

Lovely’s · 22d

hello! it's about your omegaverse sgyu.... are they bonded mates or do they just help each other during heats/ruts?

They just help eo during heats/ruts! although beomgyv want’s to be a little more but soobvn is to scared of accidentally hurting him somehow along the way or affecting their relationship, so he just labels them as “ friends with benefits “ and nothing more even with his feelings towards bg :’)

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