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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hualian finding about the sex of their baby (through magic or something) and finding out that their first born will be a girl. However, heavenly officials are being assholes and giving Xie Lian backhanded compliments implying Hua Cheng will be disappointed his first born is a girl. It eventually has Xie Lian breaking down in front of Hua Cheng about how he’s sorry he wasn’t able to make his first born a son. (Hua Cheng doesn’t care one bit and he is gonna kill those gods.)

This is so 🥺🥺

Poor baby, he let the intrusive thoughts planted by other gods get to him!! Meanwhile Hua Cheng would be so confused after hearing about Xie Lian's worries — he can't recall ever showing any preferences, because whether it's a boy or a girl, he would love them and Xie Lian equally...

I imagine him enveloping Xie Lian in an embrace and gently reassuring him that all is well. After he's sure that his beloved is not in distress anymore, he would start asking, and learning where did Xie Lian get such a silly idea — and oh boi those gods better barricade their doors 😩

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