Ritsu · 6mo

Kolliaaaaaaaa ..( Puts You in a Microwave Sneakily )
🎀 + 🐑 + 💒 + 🧸 ?

Greetings 、Silly Aeryn ! ( Spins in microwave )

⦅ 🎀 𝄒𝆥 As someone who adores the sea / beaches && is The Sea ( Goddess ) Hyrself 、I actually can't swim • • • In this human body。Due to trauma as a kid ( I nearly drowned multiple times ) I never wanted to continue swimming lessons • • • My Boyfriend wants to teach me how to swim thankfully ! I also think it's quite amusing that my source Marin Kitagawa has this same trait 、Which is a factor that really runs deep in my connection to this source。I also adore how my Boyfriend keeps saying how Marin is Moi 、Which he is absolutely correct about !

𓂃 🐑 . ◠ My mom told me that my doctor needs to talk to me about my bloodwork results 、So I'm kind of worried • • • I hope nothing bad is wrong with my body ( Though I wouldn't be surprised 、My body is quite sensitive to sickness / illnesses && other bodily sensitivities )

⦅ 💒 𝄒𝆥 My Boyfriend is currently staying at a hotel near his work because he wouldn't be able to drive there due to the snowy whether here • • • So he's like an hour away from me。We miss each other so much but at least we're calling in the evenings ! We stayed up til 2AM last night 🩷 It's always so comforting listening to his voice 、I just want it to be Saturday so that I can see him again • • •

𓂃 🧸 . ◠ Cherry Blossom Girl

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