𝓝ier · 6mo

👝 x 🐑

⦅ 👝 𝄒𝆥 I love making OCs ! I have ever since I was a kid 、Since I've always been artistic && creative 、But I never stuck with my ideas ( ADHD struggle ) but now I wanna really make one 、With my Boyfriend too ! ai told him my plan for creating it && he's really excited because he likes this stuff too 🩷

𓂃 🐑 . ◠ Today I noticed myself being way more playful than usual with my Boyfriend • • • Because when we first started dating I was mostly shy && reserved 、Since I thought he was this calm 、cool but funny 、But also considerate guy that wasn't the type to joke around。However 、He turned out to be really really playful ! So my playful side has also come out。In the past 、My dynamic with my crushes or others who had a crush on me would be me 、The tsundere 、And the other being the one teasing me。This has always been the case 、Because people like seeing my reactions。I didn't think my Boyfriend would be so teasing of me • • • And me being the tsundere in our dynamic 、But I guess this trope was always with me ! I find it very interesting • • • He likes it when I act all embarrassed && shy but also mean && pouty 、He says it's one of my cutest qualities 🩷

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