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Anonymous nerd · 5mo

What inflation scenario (irl or fictional) are you the horniest for right now?

Two irl scenarios

First one irl:

Inflating either in a call on discord or in person from someone controlling a shower hose attaches to my ass while wearing a jockstrap, maybe black jeans? A tanktop and my puphoods and a spiky collar and just sit in the bathtub or stand as I feel the water fill my guts till they're so inflated I whine in pain and pleasure leaking water from the pressure feeling like my guts are gonna pop with a very tight and heavy hairy belly.

Irl 2:

Me and a hairy dad bod pup wearing puphoods together and cuddling in the back of their car as we let an aquarium pump inflate the two of us in the forest, nothing competitive just us relaxing together stoned kissing cuddling and feeling our bellies expand till they're about to explode followed by belching and farting till we both cum in our pants.

And fictional:
My ocs or human self absolutely dominating a big strong werewolf dad as I pump and pump with a bycicle pump while sitting on their belly, till their innie pops out and they whine feeling like their insides are gonna burst, and then they start farting to deflate with their face red and grumpy and stoned from having a pup play with their bod.

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