Anonymous Pervert Β· 10mo

I wanna thank u bcuz ur AU content & the fics written for it by your amazingly talented friends have single-handedly given me a p intense thing for Nagas. I never even ONCE considered it before but now I am obsessed. Ur naga akechi has made me crazy LMAO Tysm for ur amazing work!!! Looking 4ward to top goro week!!!!

YES WE ARE LEGION 🐍❀️ damn, all the love you are giving me for Naga Goro makes me feel a little guilty I'm not posting more Naga content πŸ˜­πŸ’• <- ((it's a good thing, keep doing that, thank you))

I'm not used to sharing things about my AUs because I never know how to start... That's why I love when people ask me questions about them! Please don't hesitate to ask or suggest! πŸ™πŸ’•

I look forward for TopGoroWeek too, I can't wait to see people's amazing creations ( Β΄βˆ€`)οΎ‰πŸ’•

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