Fussel · 2y

What's your favourite hypnosis scenario?

Hmmm~ this is a good one
Yuki very much likes big snakes heh, wether it's a long look into eachothers eyes as they slowly and methodically wrap ther body around your keeping you snugg and trapped. Or a soft bite to the neck as the toxins slowly fill you and leave you a blumbering and obedient mess. And really what happens after that dosnt really matter, because it's not like your in the thaught of mind to worry about it huh ^^

But there's Also lab stuff Yuki likes! Such as going in to test a new and "experimental" peice of equipment with your colleague. Even though they know exactly what it will do and soon enough after the tests, you just can't help but obey your colleagues Evey command for some reason. And why was Yuki naked in the lab again? Eh it doesn't matter ^^ <3
Murrr thanks for the question ~

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