Fussel · 3 answers · 2y

A genie appears in front of you and offers you 3 wishes, no takebacks, no "I wish I didn't wish that" or anything of the likes.
What do you wish for and why? < write this first

This genie WILL turn your wishes against you, if you formulate without being careful.
Now: What do you fear they might interpret into your wish?

<A bag that no matter how many times Yuki takes out a cookie, every time his puts his paw in and takes it out, there will be a new cookie for him ^^
<A new magic book! That somehow explains even the hardest magic in the easiest way. Letting a mear apprentice cast the hardest spells with ease~
<And depending if this is like an aladin genie or not, he'd say the genie is free cuz living in a lamp must really suck not gonna lie. But if it's not and just an evil ass geine then probably like, a fursuit that can change into anyone Yuki wants X3 so then he can walk around as his freinds and let them borrow the suit and such ^^ that sounds very fun ^^ <3

Umm Yuki thinks he worded these pretty well. Well then! Those are the wishes ^^
Yuki worded them pretty well in his opinion so he fears not the Interpretation! Òwó

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