Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 5mo

I feel kinda weird about LXY leaving after her bday performance. I mean she did really a lot of shit and she wasnt someone I would support in rankings but I wouldnt deny that she does have a good amount of talent. It feels sad that all this talent goes to waste now but at the same time its good if the river could calm down and SII is calming down again.

I agree. She had a lot going for her but sometimes personality and talent clashes. Though I do think she was heavily influenced by her mother for her behaviour in some cases and the stress of schooling + other mental health factors came to play too, but hey-ho. Fuck around the river and find out. At least S2 do keep most things under wraps better than most teams, but the whole international reach was kinda the impossible to come back from compared to just petty pants and "He said, she said" rumours.

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