Guitarqueermo · 7mo

You’ve been single-handedly fueling my new fixation on tomarry 😭😭 me and my gf love your art bro - if you don’t mind me asking what got you into tomarry? :3

EEE it makes me happy and a little nervous when people say I fuel their fixations LOL but thank you so much!!! I’m happy you and your gf like my stuff 🥹🥹🥹💖💖💖 and omg… I think I’ve been into them since 2016? I got into tomarry because my favorite KHR (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) author wrote a fic for the fandom and I wanted to read more of their fics, so I read their Platonic LV & HP fic out of curiosity.

There’s a Potter on Me by Ourliazo:

I found them through first ahaha. The thing was it wasn’t even romantic but?? I really enjoyed their dynamic and wondered if it was a ship that actually existed… imagine my surprise when I see LV used to be sexy and boom I started consuming Tomarrymort fic.

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