Secret Keeper Ā· 6mo

Tell us more about established DMHP vs homewrecker Tom au pleaseeeee I wanna know the context of why drarry were arguing in the first place šŸ‘€

Homewrecker Tom au has such a funny ring to it LOL. OK SO my idea for the thing was that Draco just thinks Tom is a nobody albeit talented but not a threat (bc heā€™s arrogant like thatā€” also whatā€™s a teenager going to do?) but Harry is paranoid since heā€™s noticed some little things. Draco ofc doesnā€™t believe him and they argue about it with Draco saying stuff about maybe HP is making stuff up to make him jealous, that Draco isnā€™t good enough for ā€˜Saint Potterā€™ that heā€™s choose a student over him. and Harry fumes because. Heā€™s wrong! And now HP feels like DM is purposely being obtuse bc he somehow wants HP to feel bad and run to him bc heā€™s a prat and then they argue.. but they do care about each other so they make up of course theyā€™re both snarky and annoying like that. Anyway Draco, while he doesnā€™t necessarily believe Harry, still likes to show off and wants to reassure HP in his own self-serving way. So he bites him, and Harry lets him ofc to feel that reassurance which in turn feeds both of them into this lovey sappy hot and bothered loop for a moment šŸ˜‚.

Harry though, as usual, is right with his hunches and Tom notices it Immediately and now heā€™s just going to double down with his efforts to manipulate and get Harry to himself šŸ„°

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