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anomynous · 10mo

what is going on with hermovies band au. like a synopsis

FINALLY ANSWERING THIS ummmm well they're really just a small subsection of the larger band au at play because there's a lot going on with it so it's kind of a mess BUT basically the hermovies area is hermann being a conductor and vediovis was previously part of another ensemble before she had enough and quit, finds hermann's group > auditions > gets offer to join... the rest is history... well, it's more like vediovis would be very much hit with "love at first sight" about hermann. meanwhile hermann is basically just like trying her best to ignore the fact that vediovis is so smitten with her (which she does well to not be too obvious about so it's usually not much of a problem But) - something to that extent. vediovis would play violin in hermann's ensemble yay yippee. i haven't figure out the rest of how their lives are etc like... gregor and grete situation re: hermann; and for vediovis it's like toying with the idea of her having been once divorced previously. hermann and vediovis when they find common ground on this front erm old women bonding erm and when they're backstage after a performance...? ERM

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