Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymoon. ☽ · 4mo

get behind me authornim. i swear if you switch haters become the reason the next update will take long I WILL JINJJA KEEL SOMEONE. if you don’t like it don’t read it it’s literally that simple but a lot of us DO LIKE IT and DO READ. now fck off you lot.

ANON 😭 that's really sweet of you ♡ but honestly i couldn't be any less bothered by it, i woke up, saw the notif, got upset and chose violence 🙃 ppl hating on dongmark will NOT make me wanna write less don't worry, i'm still planning on updating the au regularly (although i'm also taking my time and trying to balance life things) so stay tuned, the next update should be out in a couple of weeks or so 🥰

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