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anonymoon. ☽ · 3mo

for me what helps against a cold is just drinking loads of tea with a lot of honey some ginger and some kind of citrus BUT if you’re honey gets too hot it doesn’t work anymore apparently
also idk what cold medicine you’re taking but just as a reminder to everyone seeing this: if you have to take antibiotics you have to taking finish them!!!!
i hope you feel better soon!!! :)))

i think it'll be fine, i do not believe in the concept of boiling water in tea... i stop it just before that. also i usually tale a spoonful of honey like directly in my mouth so even if it won't work in the hot lemon water, at least it'll work then 🥲
the cold medicine i take is some basic cold relief pills i got in a pharmacy, it’s not a prescribed medication or antibiotics, therefore i only have to take it if i have symptoms! also maybe it works differently where i am but usually here you take your antibiotics for how long the doctor prescribed it to you... so if it's a 20pills box and the prescription tells you to take 3 a day for 5 days (so 15), then you don’t take the 5 left 😭 you can bring them back to the chemist

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