Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

sass 🍊🍑 · 8mo

I sent one brainworm and then immediately after had another. I'm in my soft hours now: mnh kissing jsvng's birthmark, loving the texture change across his lips, jsvng's sweet sighs. literally can't go a day without pressing his mouth along jsvng's clavicle, who has just learned to give in. even if mnh decides the best time to do it is in the studio.

Oh my gosh Sass, this is so sweet and lovely I'm so sorry it took so long for me to respond </3 I imagine it being such a comforting thing for Mnho, almost like a kitten kneading something soft, but it's just getting to press kisses to Jsvngs birthmark. I'm gonna cry I love them

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