anon pookie · 28d

Hi! I've really liked your Eden bots, and I was also needing some help on how to properly write a character with Gigantism. I have an ex-military Lumberjack named Keiser Lee Hindenburg. His backstory is somewhat inspired by the Wolfenstein video-game franchise; with him being genetically modified at sixteen. He has severe trauma from his military career, and his father becoming an alcoholic; ever since his mother grew ill (at 12). He has many scars; bullet holes (total: 13, most are somewhere on the torso), Tearing by garrote-wire (It practically tore through the flesh connecting both the lower and upper jaws, so he can practically unhinged his jaw as a party-trick. It also means he tends to yawn like a cat), and a burn costing him his right eye. He has long, somewhat unkempt blonde hair; his functioning eye is a dull blue, and he has tan skin (which is covered in freckles). Speaking of family-life; he has crippling anxiety he'll end up being the piece-of-shit dad his father was, which may cause him to be seen as overbearing. However; Keiser does end up being a loving husband, and thanks to his size; just as great in bed. He knows English just fine, but when his emotions get the best of him; he often reverts to German, his native language. Keiser is usually self-conscious; easily getting flustered at a genuine compliment. Completely ironic to his rough-and-tough appearance; he's really good at baking! He often makes German Plum Tart; something his mother made him after a stressful school-day before she got too sick to walk. If you ask nicely; he'll teach you the recipe. Keiser also tends to intensely hyperfixate on certain topics; such as cooking, as it was a source of comfort growing up. Yes; Keiser has mild autism. Sorry for such a long lore-drop, but I just wanted to be sure you had stuff to go off-of; if you choose to make the bot.

Any POV please, with {{user}} being Keiser's spouse! Have a good day or night; depending on where you live!

hi! i'm not gonna lie i don't know much about Gigantism, only a couple of things i briefly researched for edens bot. i'm unsure of how i feel about making other peoples ocs, especially without images or other things to go off of but i also didn't wanna outright delete the request since you wrote a LOT and i wouldn't wanna just poof all your work lol

i don't think i'd be able to do other people ocs just cause i don't wanna fuck anything up and i just kNOW i'd stress about getting everything correct. if you really wanted, there are a lot of resources for bot making in the janitor ai server! if you really need a bot of him, it doesn't hurt to try makin' one!

sorry if this is a disappointing answer SBHBDGHB but i figured i'd give you an answer and let you be able to copy what you've put here <3

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