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alle 🪼 · 5mo

complain about characters you think have shitty ugly outfits please

see the thing is that "shitty ugly" doesn't, to me, mean "naked" and doesn't to me mean "tacky"--there are a lot of more revealing designs that i like but one thing i just can't stand is like...things where too many things are going on at once. one of the designs i really really hated and still do is catura because: she has a biker theme but also a cow theme but also a Traditional theme and it made me so fucking mad because she has a bra and short shorts because she's supposed to be a biker but she ALSO has a transparent shirt (it's not even a shirt???) and i guess it's supposed to be sexy but all i can think of is how she looks like she decided to wear her shower curtain over her regular outfit to go biking. like i understand whoever made this wanted to see boobs but they're not even good boobs THE OUTFIT IS JUST BAD

catura design for ref

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