Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous luvr · 5mo

Hi, I loved your HG jayhoon 😭😭 It was so sad and beautiful! However did you get the inspiration to write it? Thank you🩷

ahh thank you so much anon!! this is so sweet, i'm so glad you loved that fic 🥹🥹 to be honest, me and my friend came up with the idea of jayhoon HG after watching that part of i-land where sunghoon replaced jay's part in their performance..... we were just thinking a lot about what jayhoon would do for each other and how they care for each other in bad times and it really lent itself to a HG au (we made ourselves really sad) so then i had to write it, of course :') thanks for the ask!! <33

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