Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Unknown cutie <3 · 5mo

What are you most excited to see or do in Sweden?

(Violet 💜) Hang out with our friends, of course!!!! Besides that, we do have things we'd like to do on our own, that we don't think our friends would enjoy as much. We wanna do lots of birdwatching and add some cool European species to our life list, and try to do some herping to find and catch some reptiles and amphibians (there are 3 snake species and 3 lizard species in Sweden, all found in the area we'll be staying, so we want to find as many as we can, especially an adder, which would be our second ever venomous Snake!) We also want to spend time on the coast, we fell in love with the ocean in New Zealand and have been longing for it ever since, and want to do more tidepooling (searching in pockets of water left in rocks by the receding tide for cool sea creatures hiding in them!)

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