Hello there! I'm going to pin this, but to clarify, 9/10 the language in my display name is Tsalagi, or Cherokee. I am not appropriating a language, I am not using it as an aesthetic, I was taught this language at a very young age, and I was born & raised primarily Cherokee.

While yes, my language isn't translatable through a screen reader, or google translate, that doesn't mean there aren't resources for it! Please; Look into the Cherokee language. It is dying, and I would love to share my culture with others ^_^;;

Furthermore; Anon β€œβ€” πŸ§ β€, I am not being ableist for refusing to change my language. Yes it is not a common language, yes I comprehend that. But Do Not ask me to give you romanized spellings of my names, nicknames, et cetera. Its actually looked down upon in the community I am in to do so, and my small community is a mixture of multiple natives who all agree that Romanizations are not needed ; Especially after we were forced to have more "American/English" names while being dehumanized and forced to leave our homes.

That is all, thank you!

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