Anonymous Coward · 4mo

What are your thoughts on hwei x kayn? Can be platonic or rom 👀

mostly i just think they're very funny. two different sides of the dramatic spectrum. on a more serious note, i'm sure hwei's uncanny ability to read people would get under kayn's skin. one of my favorite things is when someone riding on the fumes of their own persona crumbles from being seen.

hwei is also such a unique character in that he encompasses everything and nothing. he's neither evil nor good, so i don't think he'd read kayn with any ulterior motives in mind. just pure curiosity. which would probably irk kayn more because he's vague. like who is this guy talking like he knows me? and what do you MEAN he's not looking to get something out of me? there's definitely room for mutual fascination. though more reluctant on kayn's end since he'd rather be doing his own thing i'm sure LMAO

this could be either platonic or rom, but since it involves hwei i feel like whatever they have would likely be labelless. and if it has a label it wouldn't be conventional

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