anon · 1y

Hewwo!!! May i wequest mdkh kissy kissy in bed pwease? (,,>﹏<,,) thank u !!! ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)ა kyaa ////

Jokes aside, i think you're the most wonderful and sweetest person i've ever had the pleasure to meet so i hope everything in your life would go well !! All the best to you!

somehow i can feel who you are, anon ... <33 I think you're the most wonderful and kindest person i've ever met too!!!!! What the heck thank you so much for the prayer i hope this returns to you too;__; and here, your req! big chuu for you thank you for requesting this cute prompt!


“No, really, we should get up,” Even with the complaint, Kohaku still giggled as Madara showered him with kisses that tickled. They are on their safehouse bed right now, not really running from people—no, it's just a coincidence that they need to stay for a night in this safe house, totally not because Madara wanted more time with Kohaku, especially in the morning, no, their work as Double Face had hindered them from coming to ES dorm.

That's really it, truly. It doesn't matter! Kohaku is giggling, their room is warm and the morning sun gently tore through the curtains, this is the perfect morning that Madara wished so bad for it to happen. “We are getting up.” They are not, how could Kohaku get up when he was locked in Madara's embrace? Kohaku is trapped and despite the words spilling from his mouth, he's so giggly and warm. Even Kohaku doesn't want Madara to let him go, so Madara keeps kissing his face.

Madara kissed the wrinkle on his face when he smiled, he kissed the edge of his eye, his forehead, the temple of his head, his nose, and so on. Then it was Kohaku's turn to kiss him back, the baton was passed when Madara finally landed on Kohaku's lips. Since then, Kohaku returned his kisses. Madara let him reach all the places he could reach. He, too, couldn't stop being so giggly about this. “You know what, we can afford an one day break,”

The warmth of Kohaku's laugh is directly transmitted to his skin, “Ibara-han's gonna nag.”

Madara kissed his lips once more. He's addicted to Kohaku's lips and he's not shy about it at all. “Who is he to nag us? We are not his pawns〜 Kohaku-san should worry more of not leaving enough kisses! Come, kiss me again.”

“All of that wasn't enough? You're really addicted.”

“How can I not be, really?” Kohaku laughed at this. He surrendered, and gave Madara all the kisses he wanted. Their room filled with the sound of Kohaku's lips kissing him, a gentle sound perfect to accompany this slow, warm morning. []

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