anon · 1y

yumenosaki mdr and reimei khk?

“Ah, it's raining.”

Some would call this bad luck—but Madara found something good within this supposed bad luck; the arrival of rain means he could be under one umbrella with Kohaku. He didn't bring an umbrella, of course, this rain is something unexpected and sudden—and he had checked the weather forecast before he made his way to Reimei's school gate.

Today his plan is to have a little after school date where they walk together home. His original vision for this date is just conversing unimportant things as they chew on the snacks that just bought earlier. But with the rain, it's impossible to eat and walk.

Hm… If Madara plays his cards right, he could even visit Kohaku's home and prolong this date.

“Such bad luck~” He didn't sound upset at all, though. After all, the world just laid out some opportunities on a plate only for him. This is actually not bad luck. “And I didn't bring an umbrella either!” They're in front of the konbini's entrance, so Madara could still run inside and buy whatever umbrella they had displayed, but of course he will act like he's helpless, and the only solution to this problem is to share one umbrella together. Madara would love to say that he predicted all of this, so he didn't even try to bring one; but really, this is an unexpected turn of events that delights him.

“Well, I bought one …” Kohaku took the bait! Just a little bit more and he would be truly in triumph. Madara waited for Kohaku to finish his sentence, he widened his smile that he beamed at Kohaku—trying hard to reach Kohaku's good heart that couldn't possibly leave someone else in the rain alone. Especially him. They have this connection that, honestly, both of them couldn't describe well. While Madara is comfortable saying their outings are dates, and wishes them badly to be one, they are … vague things. They went out together just because, not for some other reasons like his senior friends teased him about. So whatever they had together, is something entirely different than any other connections; yet still undescribed.

Madara doesn't mind. As long as he could be with Kohaku, the label doesn't matter.

”... Wanna share?” There it is. His most awaited offer of all time. Kohaku said it shyly, a blush even managed to adorn his cheeks. His violet eyes were averted to the side, and Madara couldn't think of anything but: how cute Kohaku-san is! Happiness filled him with warmth, it was unfamiliar, a feeling that Madara isn't well acquaintanced yet. But he found himself always chasing that warmth every time he's with Kohaku.

“Let's share, Kohaku-san~! ♪”


The umbrella is Kohaku's size, that's to be expected. It didn't cover them entirely, so their shoulders were bound to be wet by the rain. But Kohaku, his kind and wonderful Kohaku, silently angled his small umbrella more to Madara's side, so his shoulder would be free from the rain. “Sorry, you're just bigger…”

Madara laughed, “Don't mind, don't mind~ I know this will happen! We only have one umbrella, after all.” He doesn't care about the rain. Under Kohaku's umbrella that's way too small for him, it feels like they're in a bubble that separates them both from the real world. And Madara loves this, he cherished the closeness it gave them, a casual intimacy that the world let him to have.

He would rather have his shoulder getting wet—or more—than Kohaku's, though. So Madara passed their food to him, while skillfully swapping the hands that held the umbrella to himself. “Huh? Madara-han—”

“It's okay, let me. The least I could do in this situation, right?” Now the umbrella covered more of Kohaku, just the way it should be. Kohaku wasn't that happy about this arrangement, but he didn't immediately swap back. “I want to share precisely because I don't want you to get wet,” Madara laughed softly. Kohaku has the face of an angry kitten. It took him every ounce of himself to hold back the urge to just kiss Kohaku on the lips. “And I precisely just want to be close with Kohaku-san! I'm already getting what I want here, manipulated you even. Getting a little bit wet just to get close to you is a small price to pay!”

Kohaku looked at him with a slightly gaped mouth, the blush on his cheeks was a richer and deeper red than before. Again, it took tremendous effort to not lean in and steal a kiss. “What are you saying…” Kohaku turned his face, now facing the front, avoiding his green eyes that's still nailed on Kohaku.

Rather unexpectedly Kohaku took hold of the umbrella once more, “If you want to get close then do it properly! You can't get that close when holding the umbrella can't you? Hmph, how can I be more skilled in this than you?”

Madara blinked at that, he felt his cheeks getting warm. He couldn't contain a big smile as well. He may look like a fool. And a fool he is in front of Kohaku Oukawa. “Really? You're okay with that?” Suddenly he gets all shy. Kohaku is more shy than him. However, he managed to give him a little nod as confirmation.

“Hahaha! Okay! Okay. I will get reeaal close to Kohaku-san then. ★” Madara slung his arm on Kohaku's shoulder, pulling him into an embrace. He pressed himself on Kohaku, squeezing himself more on this cramped space. Kohaku lets him, with deep blush on his cheeks.

(Both of their shoulders ended up getting wet in the end.) []

Thank you for the req, anon!

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