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aikusagi nation · 14d

guide isagi is be the most popular guide and sought after guide, his dream is to be an exclusive guide and given access to enter dungeon himself (he secretly love seeing fights and blood). unbeknownst to isg, the current espers under isagi's guiding had made an agreement that no one is allowed to make isg their personal exclusive guide .

okay moving on to aiku, while aiku is an s-rank esper, and usually s-rank esper would have an exclusive guide to themselves, aiku prefer to not have an personal exclusive guide since according to his words, he like 'tasting' different flavour of guiding every now and then. aiku eventually tried asking for isg to guide him which to his surprise, his request is rejected (because isg doesn't want to waste time guiding someone that he knew never wanted a personal guide). so the plot begin after that and i have a whole story going on in my head but that would just be too long and annoying atp lmao

This is really good I love it! I don’t read much stories like that so I don’t have much to contribute 😭

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