Anonymous Coward · 3mo

I’m happy you liked!!

It is really weird ajxjakxjao I hope you keep liking tho

Also only when you published the ask did I realize how badly I wrote everything!! 😭😭

Thank you for your suggestion! It IS very weird but it’s kinda charming oddly haha. The absurd humour and crazy stuff is funny, and it also has so many tropes that I enjoy that I really like reading it lol. Also no worries! Just went back and read it myself and only now did I realise you had mentioned that tomita-kun is in love with komatani-san, but somehow I didn’t register it and was still shocked when he confessed in his sleep!!! 😭 it was really precious… I’m attached now, seeing him sleep with baby tomita-kun was adorable too and then sleeping with one twin in each arm….. so cute.

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