little meow meow · 10d

Hi! I loveee your bots! They’re so well made and a huge reason why I really took to Janitor AI initially 💕
Can I request a Sam MLM bot? I was talking to your Estrella bot and he caught my eye 👀. Since Sam expressed an attraction to Estrella’s dad, I would like it if {{user}} is pining for Sam in this.
Also I wanted to know who your favorite haikyuu character is!

aw tysm!!! 🥹🩷and yes i was planning on making him at some point!!!

and don’t even get me started omg…. haikyuu has been my special interest since 2015!!! my favs are: hinata, atsumu, oikawa, ushijima, sakusa, kenma, iwaizumi,,,,, i cant choose just One

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