★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ִ‎ ‎ ‎ angel‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ﹗ ‎ · 5 answers · 3mo

URL traders: what’s the most absurd trade request you’ve gotten? Like “I can give you (insert long/modified url) for (one word/canon url) :3”

non oomf here but i once had someone with only modified/long references urls (of medias that i dont have interest in) try and trade for my non modified urls even though its stated on my hoard that i dont really trade for those kinds of urls 😓

someone tried offering 4 /idol anf all their urls had ! or . at the end Jesus christ brother

I cannot give specifics but every time someone asks to trade and they have just.. like 20….. really really long urls it just kills me. No I do not want [url w/ capital i, lowercase l, number letters, dashes, underscores, and obscure references] so you can have /eli or something… but I still admire those who ask. They’re stronger than I!

/omegaverse for a proship related url i wont be dropping 😭😭😭😭 I CRIED I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN TAKE A PROSHIP RELATED URL

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