Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

ale's bunny · 8mo

Hey, Ale? Honestly, I really enjoy seeing you on my timeline, but lately, you haven't been showing up much. Are you alright? I love seeing you and your friends interact. I hope you get active again, Ale. Actually, I wanted to ask you something... If I may ask, is that guy really your boyfriend or just for show? Sorry if the question is impolite.

hayiiii, sendernim! terima kasih udah bilang gitu yaah. senang sekali kalau sender suka liat ale mengobrol dengan teman-teman, kamu baik sekali 😆 hehe iyaaa itu pacarkuu yang super keren nder, namanya ano! doain langgeng yaa, maacii sender baikk 🥰

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