Anonymous Coward · 2y

What would a dorm leader Adria be like? Sorry if you already talked about this before

I actually have some old art of that (I'll have to remember to start posting my old artwork of him lol) but it's been a while since I've rambled about that
Adria (I'm assuming this is for specifically Octavinelle) is definitely not the most fitting for dorm leader. He hates dishonesty and schemes, and that is kind of Octavinelle's schtick. But he certainly has the power and strength to maintain his position. Adria both "rules" the dorm with an iron fist but also is loyal to his dorm members, doing whatever he can to make sure his "polyps" are well protected (I guess you can say he's like Kakegurui's Nishinotouin?). Oh also, Mostro Lounge is a cat cafe.

TLDR; Adria's a surprisingly good leader, even if he doesn't really fit the position as Octavinelle Dorm Leader, because the he's already hard-carrying the dorm's gym scores with his physical strength alone.

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