Shy cutie · 10mo

What would be the one song I should listen to if I wanted to know you better? A song that you love? Or maybe one that speaks to you, or that makes your hair stand on end... I'll leave the choice to you.
Mine would be Counting Crows: Have You Seen Me Lately? (If you can guess who sent this)

Okay, first, I'm really terrible at guessing people based on proxies like favorite song... but I listened to (and liked!) the song and I have a couple ideas. Maybe you want to DM me and let me know? I wrote down my guesses somewhere with a date so you'll know I didn't cheat!

Anyway, this is a hard one to answer! There's so many songs that I feel like they speak to me in many different moods, but I'll do my best to give you just one.

VNV Nation: Endless Skies

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