Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward Β· 12mo

Vampire πŸ€– x Werewolf 🦁 struggling to plan their perfect first Valentine date. 🦁 makes sure he brings enough sunscreen and an extra large umbrella to cover his little battie (babie πŸ˜†) while πŸ€– brings couple helmets for their late night wolf ride, oh and also extra clothes in case 🦁 rips off turning into his wolf form (πŸ€– finds his naked big puppy cool but he can save it for latter ☺️)

They know and take care of each other so well already despite this being their first valentines together πŸ₯Ί maybe they can go on to a night market and then on a twilight picnic πŸ₯Ί

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