Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

FishForFish · 11mo

I have another question regarding Discord, but also, thank you for answering my previous question about it.

How is there nobody who killed Discord yet? Is Discord not active enough as a nuisance? Considering how long it's been alive, I figured Discord would have been dead by now, or at least be wary of a few foes who are capable of smiting it for good.

[I am sorry if this doesn't seem to make sense, I just got hit in the head by a basketball and I'm sleep deprived so my sentences may be a bunch of mumbo jumbo to you.]

It’s ok!!! i love this question alot because it makes me think about cool discord character coolness, my answer:
Discord is quite the nuisance, as it likes intruding into different oc universes to spread havoc for the sake of it, so i would understand why some beings would want discord’s head and he knows it. since she is literally the embodiment of chaos itself, its hard to be able to overpower chaos in a literal sense unless your on the side of order, perhaps? discord was able to “die” but only for a short while before being reincarnated into what it looks like in the present, and by its own merit. it may happen again!

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