Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 10mo

Hi unfortunately I joined sidem when all its games are dead and I’m desperate for facts abt Genbu bc since the all games DIED there’s nothing to see outside from the wiki

hey thanks for your interest in genbu! there's various ways to read game content now, so i'll link those below. but if you're just interested in facts that aren't on the wiki, the only new major thing that isn't listed is the addition of a family friend character who takes care of him. apparently that person is a lawyer who works overseas and a friend of genbu's deceased father. it was only added in saisuta (omoi no uta event) though so i don't really consider it canon... i don't think it works well with the previously established facts of his character and his final major sideMoba event (where he realizes 315pro is his family).

anyway, best place to read sideM stories and learn more about the characters is:
- translation masterlist:
- magazines:
- imas portal archive with in-browser google translate:

have fun reading!

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